Going to work is crap.
I hate it.
I have no idea how to do my job properly, it stresses me out and given the choice I'd stay in bed all day watching DVD's and eating biscuits.
And I'm sure I'm not alone.
Going to work has always been crap. It's like being forced to eat shit.
However, in the modern workplace, going to work is like being forced to eat shit but also being forced to call it chocolate, because in an effort to avoid the appearance that you're nothing but random meat to them, your employers now seek to restrict the very thoughts you have in your head.
Example? Two years ago I was unlawfully dismissed by my employer for being unable to do my job as it stood, due to a disability, in direct contravention of the Disability Discrimination Acts 1995 and 2005. But I was repeatedly bollocked by HR for saying I'd been fired or sacked. I wasn't being sacked,. I was being "re-deployed", to the DWP benefits office as it turned out. But it was considered supremely important that at no time did I think that the employer didn't have my best interests at heart.
Even when they're dumping on you from a great height, be it unlawful dismissal, unpaid "promotions", enforced relocation or "re-structuring" in such a way that ten people who have worked together for years as a team suddenly have to fight over nine jobs, you mustn't think you're being treated unfairly, let alone say it.
For a long time I thought it was just a litigation thing. But then I realised.
We are all just meat.
Underpaid, unvalued, anonymous, expendable meat.
And meat is always better if it goes to the abattoir willingly or unknowingly.
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