Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Just when you thought it was safe...

Well,  having returned from Cambridgeshire,  having agreed that living in some parts of Ely would work and even having located some friends for the kids,  the peckerheads at Pfizer announce a buy out bid for AZ.  Awesome,  it will have upset quite a few applecarts I reckon.

So the hard deadline for a decision in June has gone out of the window and all bets are off.   Thanks for that.

Problem A: M.  Soriot  et al. have fattened AZ up to the point where it's a huge takeover target,  particularly for sharks like Pfizer who have 70bn. in the UK and need to spend it here to avoid a giant tax bill.   It's win win for them since AZ have almost no significant liabilities and heavily consolidated stock so only a few voting dominoes need to defect to make this happen.

Problem B:   I've been applying for jobs like crazy in Cambridge whereas now it looks like I might have to find funding to remain at Manchester in the next ten months or so which is a hell of a hill to climb.   I have some sketchy research ideas but these days you need to get preliminary data and the researcher with spare capacity to allow this is in no apparent rush to get started and my potential collaborator has gone missing.  The alternative is to go through redeployment again.  Big fun.

Option c involves an oven bag and a nitrogen cylinder,  and it's getting harder to keep THAT door closed.

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